Chris Edwards

Program Director

"Digital technologies can disrupt existing practices, boost economies and transform lives. However, if we’re not careful, they can also exacerbate existing inequalities. I’m interested in the application of digital for development and how, through collective and sustained endeavour, we might unlock its potential to deliver scalable and inclusive social impact."

Chris is Program Director on Mastercard Strive, a global initiative launched by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and Caribou Digital to support the resilience and growth of five million small businesses around the world. He manages global innovation funds, identifies potential grantees and forges strategic partnerships that deliver impact for small businesses. Prior to joining Caribou Digital, Chris was a technology and innovation adviser at the UK’s Department for International Development (now FCDO). He designed and ran multi-million pound research and innovation partnerships with the GSMA and Unilever to test and scale new technologies and business models across the Global South. He also led initiatives to narrow the global digital divide, particularly the digital gender and disability gaps. Prior to DFID/FCDO, he led global marketing campaigns to boost UK exports, before which he worked in strategic sourcing and brand management roles at Mars. Chris combines this blended public-private background with experience in social innovation, digital and mobile technologies, financial inclusion and sectors including energy, agriculture, circular economy and humanitarian action. Chris holds a BA in Italian & Spanish from the University of Bristol and an MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of Sussex/Institute of Development Studies. He is currently based in the rolling hills of the Peak District, UK.

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Abbie Phatty-Jobe

Research & Engagement Manager

Adrine Muhura

Partner Engagement Manager

Aimi Zhou

Anan Abu Rmieleh

Head of Program Communications

Annabel Schiff

Senior Director of Programs

Bryan Pon

Senior Director of Operations & Data

Carlotta Maucher

Program Associate

Charlene Migwe

Director of the Mastercard Foundation Partnership

Chelsea Horváth

Measurement & Impact Manager

Chiara Pasquini

Measurement & Impact Manager

Chris Edwards

Program Director

Chris Hurst

Senior Finance Manager

Chris Locke

Founder & Chair

David Taverner

Senior Director of Space & Climate

Elise Montano

Director of Measurement & Impact

Ellen Ukpi

Communications Associate

Emrys Schoemaker

Senior Director of Advisory & Policy

Fernanda Matsinhe

Measurement & Impact Manager

Gemma James

Director of Program Operations

Giulia Costella

Manager, Space and Climate

Grace Natabaalo

Research & Insights Manager

Hana Hanfi

Measurement & Impact Analyst

Hanna Laufer

Measurement & Impact Manager

Hannah Metcalfe

Associate, Climate and Agriculture

Hélène Smertnik

Program Director

Janet Shulist

Senior Insights Manager

Jen Lawrence

Senior Director of People & Culture

Jessica Osborn


Jo Tofts

Senior Director of Finance

Jonathan Donner

Senior Director of Caribou Digital Institute

Laura Litaba

Project Coordinator

Marissa Dean

Senior Director of Inclusive Business

Marius Karabaczek

Measurement & Impact Manager

Niamh Barry

Senior Director of Measurement & Impact

Nicki McGoh

Senior Director of Space & Climate

Rosie Afia-Ford

Senior Innovation Fund Manager

Savita Bailur

Senior Director of Gender Equality & Social Inclusion

Zsuzsanna Bodi

Program Director

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